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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Probably not going to be our month again

I got a peak on my fertility monitor on Monday and Tuesday, which means if you want to conceive, you should have sex those days. We didn't.

We did the dance late Sunday/early Monday (I know you all wanted to know that), but on Monday, Brian came down with a cold and just didn't feel like it. I figured we would still have last night to do so, but I layed down with Tessa and fell asleep myself.

I know I still have a chance because of when we did the last time, but I just don't see it happening. Next month is my break month, and then we're going to do Clomid one more time.

If we don't get pregnant, we are going to turn our spare room into my office. Yesterday, we purchased a new laptop, a desk, printer and chair to set up a home office. Right now, it's in the corner in the living room, and I will gladly keep it there if it means I'm pregnant this cycle.

Here's my chart if anyone wants to take look. I just don't see it happening this cycle. Fertility Friend hasn't given me my crosshairs or my coverline yet, but it will.

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